Saturday, January 31, 2009


Fear tastes like copper. If its strong enough you can feel it burning the back of your throat, taste it coating your tongue and smell it seeping from your pores.

Sometimes fear is brought to us by a person or place, sometimes from our own imagination or after scary ghost stories around a campfire and sometimes its embedded in a memory that only takes a sound, a touch, a smell to bring back. And with that memory comes the fear.

You can feel it in your pounding heart, feel it as it clogs your lungs, stealing air from your body. Feel the weight of cold steel coiled among the knots in your belly and taste the bitter copper of it as it rises up the back of your throat like bile to coat your mouth and tongue.

For me, with the fear comes anger. Anger at the fear, anger at the thing that triggered it, anger at the person who caused the original memory, and mostly, anger at myself for giving in to it. Not just the fear, but the memory itself, for allowing it to come back and haunt me. 13 years. 13 years past and still it can be triggered. I can become an angry, fearful, untrusting, hateful female in seconds at the whim of my past.

Is it any wonder I think I'm broken? Any wonder I worry about being more of a burden than I already am? Any wonder I sit and ponder why someone would put up with it all, love me at all, stick with me for any length of time? I often get sick of myself so why should I expect others not to get sick of me as well?

1 comment:

Rob Daniel said...

5 years,

Nothing so traumatic for me as what you dealt with, and yet, a song, a comment, even a smell and I am there again, angry.. ready to lay my hands and unleash my vengeance and just like you said, it burns.. right now...

It doesn't make you a burden, you were a victim and that doesn't make you weak there are hundreds of thousands of victims a day. It wasn't your fault. I think that you still have certain demons to face and deal with. You will do that in your time and nobody can set a limit to that, not even you. I don't know if you want to deal with that, and don't force it if you aren't ready but you might want to share some of the things that you deal with, with your significant other so they understand and can work with you even if it is just patience when you are having a tough time. Someone worth having will want to work with you to help. And of course you always have me.