Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cons of a Tubal Ligation

First I'd like to remind everyone that your reproductive rights are one of the most cherished things you have, they are both a power and a gift like no other so please be VERY VERY VERY sure that ending those rights is not only the right choice for you but that it is YOUR choice. Don't allow other people to influence this decision, do not be pushed or guilted or pressured into deciding to give away all future children just because someone else thinks it's best. The only person who has the right to make this choice is you and you alone.

So now that you've decided you definitely, positively do not want more cherub cheeked bundles of joy running around your home you are stuck picking the method that works best for your family: Tubal ligation, Essure, or vasectomy. I'm not here to point out the pro's or cons of essure or vasectomy's nor am I here to do a side by side comparison of the three methods. I'm just here to state, for the record, why I personally if I had the chance to go back would NEVER EVER EVER get a tubal ligation again even if they paid me 15 TRILLION dollars.

Reason 1 that Tubal Ligations SUCK:
It's a surgery, and despite it's routine-ness it's not really minor.

Reason 2: The pain and healing time are not quick and easy.

Reason 3: I STILL (20 months later) have pain in the incision spot, and it is extremely sore to the touch as well.

Reason 4: My period cycle is on steroids. I used to have a very light cycle that lasted 3-5 days. I have never had to use anything more than a regular tampon and those would rarely get even half-full within the 4-6 hour time frame that they should be changed. Since my tubal ligation I bleed through super tampons in 2 or less hours for the first 3 days of my period, there is cramping, there is clotting and none of my periods have lasted less than 7 days... NOT. HAPPY.

Reason 5: I have had a significant amount of headaches and dizzy spells since my tubal and they have not lessened in the 20 months following the surgery despite having no other symptoms of any problems.

Reason 6: After extensive online research it turns out that my problems are not rare. The amount of women suffering from these and many more problems after having tubals (period cycle problems being the most common) are immense.

So please- RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH before having this or any other surgery (major or minor) - I sincerely wish I would have. I regret very few things in my life, having this surgery is one of them.